Architecture Art & Culture History

Secrets behind 7 wonders of the world

We know the names of 7 wonders of the world. But how many of us know about the amazing facts behind them. So here we briefly discuss about 7 wonders of the world and amazing facts behind them.  Our planet is full of the most amazing human and natural constructions. Some things created by people include churches, sepulchres, temples, monuments, mosques, structures and even towns. These constructions have survived the time test and remain impressed by the brilliance of the creaters.

There are many throughout the world, but only seven, which are considered the best, are chosen.  The 7 wonders of the world are now the Taj Mahal, the Colosseum, the Itza of Chichen, Machu Picchu, Christ the Redeemer and the Great Wall of China, Petra- Jordan chosen by the New7Wonders Foundation. Furthermore, the Great Pyramid of Giza is a candidate for honour and not a marvel of the world.

Interesting facts about world wonders

Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal | Definition, Story, Site, History, & Facts | Britannica
Taj Mahal

Located on the banks of the Yamuna river, the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan built Taj Mahal, in remembrance of Mumtaz Mahal’s most loved wife. Shah Jahan had decided to build the mansion for the tombed, being shattered by the death of his beloved bride. This Shah Jahan’s sadness resulted in the building of the majestic Taj Mahal monument. This construction of ivory-white is dominated by its fans from around the world. Taj Mahal is a symbol of love, which at sunrise and during a full moon night is more beautiful. Taj Mahal is the pinnacle of the city of Agra, India, erected in the know-how of approximately 20000 artisans.

The Great Wall of China

Great Wall of China | Definition, History, Length, Map, Location, & Facts |  Britannica
The Great Wall of China

A belt of approximately 21,196 kilometres from east to west, this beautiful architecture is a testament to the mountains, landscape, plateaus and many other charms of China. That wall was built to prevent the Chinese Empire from attacking nomadic populations and invading them. This archaeological majesty is charged with the brawniness of the sturdy piers, bricks, dirt, wood and other building elements. This monument shows the strength and skill of the craftsmen of the past. The Great Mall of China is built up to inspire future generations by its admirers from every corner of the world.

Christ the Redeemer- Brazil
Christ the Redeemer - the Guardian of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Places To  See In Your Lifetime
Christ the Redeemer- Brazil

A monumental figure of 98 feet high is the statue of the God of Christians in Brazil. This wonder of the world is the most groovy edifice in Rio de Janerio, Brazil, being an incarnation of a Brazilian Christianity. It is the application of reinforced concrete and soapstones that are responsible for this structure’s unique strength. You would be amazed to realise that this amazing building was built in parts and then built on top of a mountain. Not just Christians but the people belonging to other religions worship the figure of Jesus Christ embracing the whole world.

The Colosseum

Colosseum | Definition, Characteristics, History, & Facts | Britannica
The Colosseum

The centre of Rome holds the stunning building of The Colosseum, the world’s biggest amphitheatre. It shows the refinement of the Roman Empire’s engineering efforts. It took 9 years to erect this strange building. With all present methods, if we think of conquering a structure with such gigantic size, wise we would not fulfil the time limits faced by the adept architects of those times. This amphitheatre saw a host of death penalties and struggles, leading to the death of almost 400,000 people within that organisation. The organisation has held a number of events, displays, competitions and much more. Mr. Moviebuff, you would be surprised to see that no other than The Coloseum was shot in the climax scene of the great film Gladiator.

Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu History In Under 5 Minutes | Intrepid Travel Blog
Machu Picchu

In the midst of the wild hills and sparkling wilderness, Inca’s Lost City, known as Machu Picchu is simply referring to the fifteenth century. This one of the seven wonderful wonders of the world has its spiritual construction, consisting of dry-stone walls. The Machu Picchu’s pre-eminent structures comprise the Inti Watana, the Sun’s Temple, and the Three Windows Room. Most structures have been restored by 1976 to attract tourists and give a better picture as to the genesis of this miracle.

Chichen Itza- Mexico

Inside the pyramid Is a pyramid. Inside that is something more
Chichen Itza- Mexico

Chichen Itza’s step-pyramid construction is a feast for archaeological enthusiasts’ eyes. The Temple of Kukulcan, at the centre of the historical site, tyrannised it. The four-sided pyramid takes 365 steps in total. The world-trotters journey to Mexico from kilometres to cover one of the world’s seven marvels. This Mayan city included the Warriors Temple, El Castillo and the Great Ball Court. It is one of the most popular buildings. The nights in this metropolis are lit up by the pleasant performances of light and melody.

Petra- Jordan

Petra: the epic building carved out of roch. [Building]: architecture

Petra- Jordan

This miracle, produced by man, was built from pink sandstones and named the city of the Rose. Petra was founded already in 312 BC and is considered half as old as time. Petra is, of course, one of Jordan’s most valued places to visit. A number of tombs and temples are housed in the marvel of the world, which are adored by travellers. Petra also has won one of the 28 seats before you die in the Smithsonian Magazine. You will certainly be delighted with the jaw-dripping architecture of Petra.

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